how to make a caterpillar with cup cake liners

How To Make A Colorful Caterpillar With Cupcake Liners

Me and my daughter were left with some cupcake liners at the end of the day, as we tried to make some chocolate lava cake, and got successful as well.

So…we had some cupcake liners with us and wanted to do some crafty stuff as kids love to get messy in cutting and coloring pool…and me too😋.

I would not take too long, and show you, how we crafted a very colorful caterpillar in a super easy way.

Video Tutorial On How To Make A Colorful Caterpillar With Cupcake Liners

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If you are not contented with this video tutorial and want more details to make a colorful caterpillar with cupcake liners, just follow these super easy steps mentioned below.

Instructions For Colorful Caterpillar Craft

how to make a caterpillar with cupcake liners


First, take four cupcake liners (or whatever number you want). Paint them with your choice of colors. I used Poster colors for this craft.

Use colors without mixing water, as liners are used to be very thin, so with water, they can be spoiled. Let them dry properly.

how to make a caterpillar with cupcake liners

Note: As I told you earlier, that liners are used to be very thin. Therefore, I prepared a single cup by pasting two cups to each other, so that it would be a bit sturdy.



After drying, take a cello tape and stick two cupcake liners with each other from the backside like the below image.

how to make a caterpillar with cupcake liners
caterpillar craft for kids with cup cake liners

In this way, paste all the cupcake liners one after the other, and make a trail. I did not connect them in a straight line. I added them just like a little curve.


Next, cut eight strips of ten cm long each. To make its legs, just fold them in a ‘valley fold and mountain fold’ manner like the below image.

how to make a caterpillar with cupcake liners

Fold all the strips and you can check my video tutorial for this pattern.


Now, after this step, you will see your colorful caterpillar engraving. For this, Paste all the folded strips to the backside of all cupcake liners as given in the below image.

how to make a caterpillar with cup cake liners



And…this is the tail time😉…I mean… let’s paste your caterpillar’s tail 😋. For this task, take three strips with different lengths. Paste the three strips to one edge. Let it dry.

how to make a caterpillar with cup cake liners

After drying, curl this bunch with the help of any pencil or pen. I used a paint-brush. Caterpillar’s tail is ready.


Now… paste this tail on the last cup liner of the caterpillar. Put the curled part upside and paste it at the backside of the last cup.

how to make a caterpillar with cup cake liners



The antenna turn…To make its antenna, take a paper strip around five cm long. Cut a ‘v’ shaped part out of this strip as given in the below image.

how to make  caterpillar with cup cake liners

Curl this strip as we did for the tail. Now paste this antenna on the first cupcake liner of the caterpillar. You can uncurl it a little bit if you find it much curly.


Here is the last step to complete your colorful caterpillar. The expressions on the face… yes… Eyes…

how to make a caterpillar with cup cake liners

Paste two googly eyes on the first cup firmly, as cup liners are usually thin. Let it dry for a while.

Final Output

Your colorful caterpillar is live now.

how to make a caterpillar with cup cake liners

I hope, you liked this crafty idea. Have fun making this cool craft and keep learning. Enjoy some more craft ideas if you like.

And do not forget to read A Very Hungry Caterpillar By Eric Carle. It’s an awesome book for your tiny tots.

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